Waiting Quotes: Hi, there, are you waiting for true love or someone? If yes then this post is really perfect for you. Because here we are going to serve some famous Waiting Quotes for those people who are waiting for someone. So to express your feelings through the words you can read these famous Quotes about Waiting. Let’s check it.
Quotes about Waiting
1) Do not let all the waiting you did before go in vain and just try to find the person you love.
2) When you wait for the right moment with the right person things will be a whole lot happier.
3) If he is meant for you, then he will come to you and tell you he loves you no matter when.
4) Just because something isn’t happening for you right now, doesn’t mean it will never happen.
5) You have to imagine a waiting that is not impatient
because it is timeless.
6) Waiting is our active response to the intrinsically ethical sociality of being.
7) The worst feeling ever is not knowing whether you should wait or give up.
8) Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.
9) I can Wait my whole life for You.
10) The way a bud Waiting for the Sun to grow, I will also waiting for you to grow.
11) People say If you wait then you will get better result; but I’m still waiting for this result.
12) If Waiting is a Exam of God; then I’m ready to pass it.
13) You know I love you so much; and love is about waiting, I will always to do this.
14) Always wait for the right moments, Never take a decision soon.
Waiting Quotes
15) Waiting is a part of true love, who loves truth, they are always waiting for each other.
16) I will always wait for you, bcz I love you soo much, and I don’t want others.
17) Waiting isn’t easy it’s one of the harder things in our life.
18) Waiting for you is like a nightmare in the morning.
19) Waiting is nothing when someone means everything.
20) I am always waiting for you if you always with me.
21) Waiting gives me the reason to love you more.
22) Waiting is so little when you are so much for me.
23) Waiting is temporary for those whose love is permanent.